
Who are target audience of your Fanpages?

The target customer is the common term with all owners & managers in the F&B industry. In another expression, the target customer is the customer type that your F&B businesses plan to serve. Specifying the target customer will have the impact on all of the activities of your businesses: store location, store menu, and store decoration. However, Target Audience is a bit narrower; it refers specifically to the group of people targeted by the content that your brands deliver, in this article context, directed by the social content of your F&B social media.

The target customer is the popular term with all owners & managers in the F&B industry. In another expression, the target customer is the customer type that your F&B businesses plan to serve.

Specifying the target customer will have the impact on all of the activities of your businesses: store location, store menu, and store decoration.

However, Target Audience is a bit narrower; it refers specifically to the group of people targeted by the content that your brands deliver, in this article context, directed by the social content of your F&B social media.

In further details, target audiences are the users, listeners you prefer to share your brand’s messages, information, and useful content to make them engage with your brand on the social network. 

Who are target audiences of your coffee shop|restaurant on the social network?

Users, fans, followers, and listeners of your social pages.

Current customers or expected customers of your coffee shop|restaurant.

  • They express their interest in your social content.
  • They are happy to share your social content.
  • They show the influencer role for your brand on the social network.

How to describe the target audiences of your coffee shop|restaurant on the social network?

Defining the target audience is the early step you need completing before starting developing the social content for your coffee shop|restaurant social pages. So what are characteristics sharpening your target audience?

Who are they: age, gender, location, education, job, income, and relationship, everything about their public social profile you can save.

What do they like: music|entertainment, food|drink, shopping|sport, and travel|decor, everything about their favorite things on the social network.

What do they usually do on the social network: exploring information, enjoying the entertainment or sharing their opinion, everything about their behavior on the social network.  

What do they need from your brand: this is one of the most important but also hardest question you require to research. It supports you to position the role of your brand in the audience mind, in another way, this is the reason why they follow your brand instead of other brands. There are two main kinds of audience needs when they observe your brand:

  • Brand information: menu, promotion, customer loyalty program, event, and contest.
  • Additional value from the community: information about specialized subjects giving added benefits for them.

Focus on Quality, not Quantity when explaining the target audience

Defining the right target audience will turn out the great asset for your social network activities. Therefore, you should pay attention to these below highlights when making this work:

The target audience should have suitable characteristics with the target customer of your coffee shop|restaurant. In another way, the target audience can be the bigger group covering the target customer. So you can convert the target audience into the expected target customer. In contrast, you will waste your time in building the social content for the audience who do not show their interest in kind of coffee shop|restaurant like yours.

You should focus on the quality, not the quantity when building the target audience group. Since the more, you deliver the suitable content to the right audience, the higher engagement score on social pages you gain. 

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